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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Consulting

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The Human Language

Several years ago, my Wife and I were at an outdoor venue, listening to live music; lying on a blanket. Within 20 minutes, (4) separate children walked up to me: a Latin-X little boy's football fell near me, a Caucasian child,  Asian child and African American child all walked by and greeted me with the the common human language...a smile. All of the children under the age of 6, each greeting me with a smile. And I smiled back. It is an unspoken language we share amongst one another as Human beings; communicated..."I may not know who you are but I see you, acknowledge you as a Human being. I want to greet you and I am connecting with you as a Human being with my smile." 




DEIB Practitioner 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging..As a DEIB Practitioner, I assist individuals and Organizations understand what these terms and concepts mean; more importantly what they are not. Each of them with very different applications, strategies, and outcomes. There is a very important learning curve that occurs for us as an individual that with this awareness, we begin to understand how we impact culture, society and Community. 

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Learning Together, Growing Together

Through assessing and Organization's DEI needs, I tailor design the learning experience for the Team. Part of the assessment includes determining where we are as an Organization with regards to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? Where do these practices live within our organization and where do they not? Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging are not merely learned skills and concepts...they are living practices within our being, our organization and community, Let's learn together how to greet each other with a smile and remember as ArchBishop Desmond Tutu reminds us..."we can only be Human together."


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